
How you can help - How we can help

The HJC is now seeking funds to help directly with legal costs involved in the forthcoming court cases. If you can donate any money towards the campign please contact us at the address below.

In this section you can see how people have helped raise money for the campaign in their areas by holding raffles, auctions and charity matches. Many small businesses and pop groups have also pledged their support.

There are many ways the HJC can help with school projects, research etc. We are preparing a bboklet for this purpose, but please get in touch with us at the addess below if there is something in particular we could help you with.

Survivors & Witnesses Appeal

There are still very many people affected by Hillsborough . If you are a survivor, we can assist in identifying sources of help and provide a space to talk with people who went through the same experiences.

We still need help to continue the legal struggle, some survivors of the disaster may be able to assist as witnesses in up coming court cases.

Quick Find - Contact Us

The Hillsborough Justice Campaign
PO Box 1089
178 Walton Breck Road
L69 4WR
Tel / fax : 0151 2605262

email: hjcshop@tiscali.co.uk

How the Hillsborough Justice Campaign can help

The disaster at Hillsborough had a defining effect on many aspects of life on Merseyside and beyond. Not only were the lives of thousands of people changed forever, but society and football in general. It was a dark and sad day in history, but the Hillsborough Justice Campaign, through this website, hope to ensure that something positive can emerge from a tragedy of this magnitude.

This website has been set up to provide education and understanding of the disaster and a focal point for survivors, families and friends. Young people will find it informative and even fun to use, whilst still actually learning about what happened and the reasons why, 11 years on, so many people care so much.

Members of the Hillsborough Justice Campaign are featured, giving interviews and providing knowledge of the development of the Hillsborough Justice Campaign. For people researching the disaster, the website provides detailed eye witness accounts, photos and first hand information. Importantly, survivors are able to receive help with legal cases and the feeling that they are not alone in the ongoing struggle.

Beyond the realms of the website, the Hillsborough Justice Campaign can offer wide ranging assistance to schools, colleges, researchers and indeed, other campaigns, in the form of leaflets, information and also on a more personal level the opportunity to speak with bereaved families and survivors.

The Hillsborough Justice Campaign are also able to assist with fund raising activities and acts of remembrance. We are proud to have assisted Hope Valley Primary School, Walton Breck Road, Everton, Liverpool, by offering a plaque for their Garden of Remembrance. 3 trees were planted and name simply, HOPE, Justice and REMEMBRANCE. The plaque reads:


The footnote reads: "This garden has been created as a link in the chain of hope by children, staff and friends of Hope Valley School, for all those who live on and whose lives have been forever changed."

Much of this section was written by Paul Donegan, soon to be a first year student in Media and Cultural Studies. It offered him the chance to gain practical experience in preparation for his studies and highlights the many ways that the Hillsborough Justice Campaign can offer help to others.